My first post

On Dec. 20, 2014, my wife & I adopted a tripawd named Phoenix. She is a 6-year-old (our vets think) female pitbull. Phoenix was hit by three different cars on a freeway near San Francisco around Labor Day, 2014. Rather than have a local animal hospital euthanize her, two good Samaritans transported Phoenix north about about 275 miles to a no-kill animal shelter (Miranda’s Rescue) in rural Humboldt County on California’s North Coast. Phoenix was in bad shape back then and needed to have her front right leg amputated. Nothing was known about her background, and she stayed at Miranda’s for three months before we met her and subsequently adopted her. Phoenix is a 44-pound sweetheart. As I type this, she’s sharing her big bed with her buddy–our 11 1/2 year-old adopted beagle. Phoenix loves to go on walks down by the waterfront, is very well-behaved, a watchdog without being aggressive, and is a happy tail-wagger & face-licker.

Author: 2013sophie

We're a senior retired couple (one ceramic artist, one writer) living in Eureka--on Northern California's redwood coast. We each grew up in NYC but met here in Humboldt County 25 years ago. We feel blessed that our three prior dogs (all females) each lived to age 14+ years. Our beagle Chloe crossed over into K9 heaven in August, 2017, and left behind her younger "sister," Phoenix, our tripawd. She's a sweet, tail-wagging, face-licking, pit bull. Phoenix joined our pack in December, 2014 [4+ years ago], three months after her right front leg was amputated at age 4-5? Phoenix had been hit by 3 cars in the SF Bay Area, and two great Samaritans named Ralph & Mya stopped traffic to rescue Phoenix on the road and drive 5+hours north to Miranda's Rescue, a no-kill facility in our county.

5 thoughts on “My first post”

  1. Ohhh my gosh, Phoenix and family, welcome! Wow you’re from Humboldt? So are we! Well we lived there from ’98 to ’07, had a ball. Best place ever for doggies! Are you living there now?

    I’m sorry you got hit by the car but I know that Shannan Miranda and his peeps took GREAT care of you. We love those folks!

    Can’t wait to hear more about you, thank you so much for joining us. #TripawdsRule but those from the North Coast are especially near and dear to us. Tell us more! FYI: there is a new member in Eureka, named Baloo, she is a husky and has been posting in the forums, stop by and say hello, maybe you two can have a pawty on Samoa Beach?

    And check out this #TheMajorityProject campaign for pitties and their pawrents that we are participating in, I hope you’ll share your pic too:

    1. Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. As a young man, I moved from New York City to Humboldt 38 years ago. The last 15 years I’ve been in Eureka with my wife (another ex-New Yorker whom I met here on the North Coast). Since you lived in Humboldt for 9 years, then you know how beautiful it is. And yes, what great folks are Shannon Miranda & all his peeps. I will keep my eye out for Baloo, and also check out the Majority Project.

  2. Sooooo glad Phoenix found her forever home with you! She is very lucky to have you as her forever family!

    Can’t wait to follow her journey and watch her continue to blossom! We love pictures around here. Can’t wait to see more!

    Give Phoenix a big smooch for us, okay?

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. Oh wow so you were there when we lived in Eureka! We could have been neighbors. We lived in Cutten for a while, that’s where Jerry, our fearless leader and Tripawds founder, grew up. We got him from the Sequoia Humane Society. Then we lived on 8th & F behind the Eureka Inn, we renovated that old house in the early 2000s, then left in 2007 when Jerry was fighting osteosarcoma. I’ll bet we crossed paths with you! Too cool.

    1. Yep, Jerry, we live about a mile sout–from 8th & F Streets behind the Eureka Inn–on Williams Street in the Henderson Center area. Coincidentally, I also adopted a puppy from the Sequoia Humane Society. That was 25 years ago, back in December, 1990. I named her Emma, and she was a super-sweet-and-almost-human-like beagle-mix who lived to 14 1/2 years. In the second half of her life, Emma became a “mom/aunt” figure to a fox-terrier/hound mix puppy whom I adopted from a box of “free to a good home” puppies at the Eureka Mall. I called her Sophie, and she was smart, loyal and affectionate, and also lived 14 1/2 years. Like Emma before her, Sophie became an older “mom/aunt” figure for Chloe, a beagle whom we adopted at 2 years-old from a rescue place in Shasta County. Now Chloe is almost 12, and during the past five weeks has adjusted well to her new buddy, our 6-yr.-old tripwad pitbull, Phoenix. My life has been blessed by dawgs.

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