Monday a.m. we drove 30 min. north from Eureka to Clam Beach, north of McKinleyville. Phoenix had her 3rd play date @ a beach with our friends’ 6-month Lab-mix puppy, Lucy, who’s already taller than 9-yr.-old Phoenix! It’s great to see them wrestle, snarl, tumble and run together on the hard sand. Phoenix, being a tripawd & an older dog, eventually gets tired & plops down to rest on the sand (and we give her water),
while Lucy looks for driftwood sticks. It felt like we had this wide Pacific beach to ourselves because we encountered only 5 people and 4 other dogs during our hour together.
Author: 2013sophie
We're a senior retired couple (one ceramic artist, one writer) living in Eureka--on Northern California's redwood coast. We each grew up in NYC but met here in Humboldt County 25 years ago. We feel blessed that our three prior dogs (all females) each lived to age 14+ years. Our beagle Chloe crossed over into K9 heaven in August, 2017, and left behind her younger "sister," Phoenix, our tripawd. She's a sweet, tail-wagging, face-licking, pit bull. Phoenix joined our pack in December, 2014 [4+ years ago], three months after her right front leg was amputated at age 4-5? Phoenix had been hit by 3 cars in the SF Bay Area, and two great Samaritans named Ralph & Mya stopped traffic to rescue Phoenix on the road and drive 5+hours north to Miranda's Rescue, a no-kill facility in our county.
View all posts by 2013sophie
So glad to see Phoenix happy and enjoying fun at the Beach with her friend😁These are such great poictures depicting the joy at tripawd can have on three…..and as a senior at that!!
Thanks fot the smiles! Sally and Alumni Happy
Thanks, benny55!
Javing computer issues. Just went to add what an Inspiration Pnonix is for all new tripawds jn the making😎
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Thanks, benny55! Yes, Phoenix is inspirational for dawgs & humans! She loves going for walks–in the neighborhood, at the beach, in the forest, along the Eureka waterfront trails.
OH WHAT A DAY! So glad she is out there splashing and having fun with friends.
Humboldt’s endless beaches are doggie paradise (and people too as long as you don’t mind bundling up in layers!). We’ve never been anywhere else that is so accessible and friendly to unleashed doggies. So much fun!
Thanks, jerry! Yes, we bundled in layers–you know Humboldt’s beaches. Later that day the sun appeared for the first time in 5 days . . . and now its been here for 4 consecutive days! We haven’t met any other tripawds up here since last August’s “Woofstock” at the Adorni Park on Eureka’s waterfront. Hope all is well with you & the pack of dawgs & humans.