Last Friday afternoon, sunny skies arrived instead of the predicted rain. So, instead of taking our 9-year-old tripawd pit bull girl Phoenix for a neighborhood walk, we drove 35 minutes north from Eureka to Patrick’s Point State Park.

At the park, Phoenix walked on familiar roadways [animals aren’t allowed on the trails] twisting through the giant sitka spruce forests. She had a great time and, when the walk was over, she was ready to rest on the truck’s tailgate. My wife took a shot of Phoenix & myself on a bluff overlooking the Pacific.
Author: 2013sophie
We're a senior retired couple (one ceramic artist, one writer) living in Eureka--on Northern California's redwood coast. We each grew up in NYC but met here in Humboldt County 25 years ago. We feel blessed that our three prior dogs (all females) each lived to age 14+ years. Our beagle Chloe crossed over into K9 heaven in August, 2017, and left behind her younger "sister," Phoenix, our tripawd. She's a sweet, tail-wagging, face-licking, pit bull. Phoenix joined our pack in December, 2014 [4+ years ago], three months after her right front leg was amputated at age 4-5? Phoenix had been hit by 3 cars in the SF Bay Area, and two great Samaritans named Ralph & Mya stopped traffic to rescue Phoenix on the road and drive 5+hours north to Miranda's Rescue, a no-kill facility in our county.
View all posts by 2013sophie
OOhhhhhh Neil! What a lovely photo on such a perfect day.
I know which trails along the road to the park you’re referring to, we used to walk Jerry there! Ah good memories, I’m smiling knowing that Phoenix gets to go there now.
So glad you got some sunshine to enjoy. It’s great to hear from you, give your amazing Tripawd Warrior a big smooch from us!