Woof! I forgot to tell you that two months ago that I celebrated my 4-year ampuversary! I kind of celebrated with our house-sitter Sara and her 5-year old son Jacob–they’re like family–because my parents were visiting Ireland at the time. I’m still happily hopping through life. Amazing. Here’s today’s photo of my waggly tail while I’m resting on one of my beds after Pop took me on a nice 1.5 mile walk. Next month I’ll celebrate 4 years since I psychically contacted my parents & they adopted me. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Tail-wagging Phoenix on her bed near computer
Author: 2013sophie
We're a senior retired couple (one ceramic artist, one writer) living in Eureka--on Northern California's redwood coast. We each grew up in NYC but met here in Humboldt County 25 years ago. We feel blessed that our three prior dogs (all females) each lived to age 14+ years. Our beagle Chloe crossed over into K9 heaven in August, 2017, and left behind her younger "sister," Phoenix, our tripawd. She's a sweet, tail-wagging, face-licking, pit bull. Phoenix joined our pack in December, 2014 [4+ years ago], three months after her right front leg was amputated at age 4-5? Phoenix had been hit by 3 cars in the SF Bay Area, and two great Samaritans named Ralph & Mya stopped traffic to rescue Phoenix on the road and drive 5+hours north to Miranda's Rescue, a no-kill facility in our county.
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2 thoughts on “My 4-year ampuversary & 4-year adoption”
WOW! Phoenix it is so wonnnnnderful to hear from you! HOPPY AMPUVERSARY!!!
Has it really been four years? You look like a kid! And hiking how far? WOW!
I’m super hoppy to read that things are good. And that your people went to Ireland?! WOW!
Phoenix, you are living the dream life my friend. How wonderful to know that you are such a lucky dawg! CONGRATS and here’s to many more! Thanks for the pupdate!
WOW! Phoenix it is so wonnnnnderful to hear from you! HOPPY AMPUVERSARY!!!
Has it really been four years? You look like a kid! And hiking how far? WOW!
I’m super hoppy to read that things are good. And that your people went to Ireland?! WOW!
Phoenix, you are living the dream life my friend. How wonderful to know that you are such a lucky dawg! CONGRATS and here’s to many more! Thanks for the pupdate!
Oh and I almost forgot, hoppy Thanksgiving to you too!